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Finding the right place for your four legged friend to stay is important. These are a few of the most frequent questions asked. Please get in touch if you want more information.


2 dogs sleeping

Do you offer discounts for regular dogs/longer stays?

Sorry, no. As I only take a very limited number of dogs (2-3 guest dogs a day) I do not discount for longer stays. However, if your dog is in my regular day care then peak daycare rates do not apply during the school holidays.


What is the earliest time I can drop my dog off in the morning?

You can drop your dog off after 6.30 am for regular daycare. Any earlier can be managed as an exception by request.


What is the latest time I can pick up my dog in the evening?

Daycare ends at 6.30 pm. Any later can be managed as an exception by request.


What should I bring for my dog's stay?

We will discuss anything you should bring during our initial meetings. For daycare dogs, you'll need to provide food and their usual bowl. For Home Boarding bring whatever your dog usually sleeps on, their food and bowl. To keep your dog safe I recommend all dogs have a tracker (my favorite is PitPat) as we have lots of deer and squirrels locally which dogs can be prone to chase.


How many dogs do you have staying at a time?

I am licensed to have up to 5 additional dogs. However, on a 'normal' day I will only book an additional 2 day care dogs. I prefer to only have one dog home boarding at a time, however during the peak summer period I will accept up to 2 home boarding dogs as this is when most people require help.

In summary, I usually only have an additional 2 dogs (3 in total) unless I have a dog home boarding, which means there are an additional 3 dogs (4 in total). 


What forms will I need to fill in?

Caring for your dog is my priority and, for this reason, I do have a rather long form for you to fill in. However, this only needs to be done once and we use the form to help me understand your dog's needs. I require evidence of your dog's vaccination records and spayed/neutered status.


What do I need to do in advance of a stay?

Before a dog is accepted into my home we will need to have an introductory meeting (free) to check our dogs get along. This is usually done on a walk. If possible we will then have a second meeting (also free) to introduce your dog to my home and to run through the paperwork. Following this we have a trial stay. Either a day's trial for day care, or an overnight stay for home boarding. So long as this all goes well your dog is 'accepted' into our home and our adventures together fully begin.


My puppy hasn't been spayed/neutered as they are too young, can they still stay?

Sorry, no. I do not accept puppies until after they have been spayed/neutered.



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